Friday, April 3, 2009

9th Visit to Gynae

Bean bean is 35 weeks and 4 days old! She is weighing 2796g!

Doctor says her head is deep down now. I hope she doesn't move anymore! Just stay down okie? Bean bean. So that Mama can have a natural delivery. Dr Heng is going on leave from 11th Apr to 15th Apr and 23rd Apr to 27th Apr. Bean bean you don't come out during these days ok? Make sure you come out in between or after her leave ok? Mama loves you!

I'm weighing abt 73.2kg now. Gain 13.2 kg already! I hope everything will be smooth on the delivery day. I will have a less painful delivery without epidural. Jia you jia you!!!

Next appointmen @ 16 Apr.

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